Comes in droves….

The last several days I have been dealing with a feeling inside that has been hard to explain.  I am thankful for taking my “Loss and Grief” class, as it has allowed me to or maybe it is better put, forced me to explore these feelings rather than dismiss them.  Normally I might just let … [Read more…]

Don, Rest in Jesus’ arms until we see each other again

Over the weekend I was told about a member from my congregation that had passed away.  I knew he was sick and had been in hospice care for a few months now.  When I first heard that he most likely would pass very soon, I said a prayer for him.  Don attend our services regularly.  He … [Read more…]

Obsessed with celebrity loss

Twenty four seven coverage every time a celebrity dies is just so amazing.  What is it that attracts us to other peoples experience in loss?  What about sharing in their grief?  As I been watching and for the most part, unwillingly watch the drama of the Whitney Huston coverage, I began to ponder what this means to me and … [Read more…]

You must show grief/loss in the proper way!

First, no no no and no, I do not believe what I am saying in the title.  There may be some more appropriate ways than others but we all grieve in our own ways.  However I was really taken aback when I saw an article at Yahoo Sports today.  We have a football player, criticizing a player from the … [Read more…]

What is the top news today dealing with grief?

For both CNN and Fox, one of the top news stories was one I spoke of in a previous post, Grief taken to the final point.  Now it has been revealed that the man had hurt the children prior to the fire he set.  Do we need to live through another families pain and suffering … [Read more…]

My Big Fat Greek Wedding

I have been watching this movie.  Now with a different eye.  The father is not happy because his daughter is “getting old” and does not have prospects of getting married.  So when the now boyfriend comes to the house, he does not want him dating, why, he is upset at not being asked in the … [Read more…]