Advent Opportunities
Below is the video version of the sermon. To listen to the audio only version, click here. First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 2:1–5 Romans 13:11–14 Matthew 24:36–44
Below is the video version of the sermon. To listen to the audio only version, click here. First Sunday of Advent Isaiah 2:1–5 Romans 13:11–14 Matthew 24:36–44
Below is the video version of the sermon. The audio version is missing the video shown following the sermon. Click here for the audio version. Christ the King Sunday 11/20/2016 Old Testament Jeremiah 23:1–6 New Testament Colossians 1:11–20 Gospel Luke 23:33–43
Below is the sermon from 11-13-2016 given at First Lutheran, South Sioux City NE. Click here for the audio only version. Old Testament Malachi 4:1–2a Psalm Psalm 98:1-9 New Testament 2 Thessalonians 3:6–13 Gospel Luke 21:5–19
Below is the video of a sermon delivered at First Lutheran Church, on 11-6-2016. Click here for an audio version.
Below is the sermon at First Lutheran Church, South Sioux City NE. Click here for an audio only version. Jeremiah 31:31-34 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36
This morning I was reading a post by Max Lucado. It began me thinking a little more about what Jesus said can be done with faith. Here is a portion of what Max wrote: “Jesus spilled his blood for you. You can spill your heart before God. Jesus said if you have faith, you can tell a … [Read more…]
Here is a link to my Youtube Site. This is the collection of Leadership Lab 2016 videos. More are still to come.
Leadership Lab starts next week. I cannot wait to get there and I know that this excitement is shared by all that lead and all that are being taught leadership. If you don’t know what Leadership Lab is, check out the website at: or Facebook at: Below is a video to give you … [Read more…]
In Torgau a wretched little woman once came to me and said, ‘Ah, dear Doctor, I have the idea that I’m lost and can’t be saved because I can’t believe.’ Then I replied, ‘Do you believe, dear lady, that what you pray in the Creed is true?’ She answered with clasped hands, ‘Oh yes, I … [Read more…]