Follow God and disgard your demons

Audio Sermon Link Luke 8:26-39 It is all to easy to dismiss, with our scientific knowledge of today, that this man who approached Jesus in Gerasen as being just mentally ill.  We can so easily justify that the lack of knowledge of the people of Jesus’s time, just did not understand mental illness and that … [Read more…]

Do you know how much you need Jesus?

Audio version of sermon Luke 7:36-8:3 I was speaking with a friend of mine this last week and he was telling me about a book that he had read that looks at the difference between sin and evil.  The book is “People of the Lie”.  The author is Dr. M. Scott Peck, a psychiatrist and … [Read more…]

Gospel Centered Change?

Audio Version Galatians 1:11-17 11 For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man’s gospel. 12 For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ. 13 For you have heard of my former life … [Read more…]

God Uses the Unlikely

Follow this link for the audio version on this site. In our text today, you will hear about the encounter of Jesus, after His resurrection, with a man named Saul.  His other name, which is not given because of his conversion but is another name that he goes by, is Paul.  This may have been … [Read more…]

Freedom through the Missional call of a Humble King

Audio Version Link This is from a five minute sermon that I was to preach.  Although in general, I disagree with a five minute sermon length,  there are times and places where this may be appropriate. The words of God through Zechariah are spoken to the peoples of Israel.  These same words in verse 9 are … [Read more…]

Another Reflection off the Rez

Before I begin, I must advise you as the reader, that this will appear in a news letter for Wartburg Seminary. Although to keep it within the 500 word limit, it was edited somewhat.  Below you will find the article in its entirety.  I have also included the footnotes for this post, where it will not be … [Read more…]

Reflections off the Rez

It has now been three days since leaving the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of the Lakota Indians.  The last evening I would have to say held the most meaning to me.  We were given the opportunity for reflection by Howard.  I really enjoyed listening to him speak about his experiences and why he decided to … [Read more…]

The Spirit is moving

Our group had attended a wake for an elderly Lakota woman. I have to tell you, to have twenty non Indians (Us) just show up at the wake, seemed very strange. I was uneasy about “barging” in on a grieving communities’ wake. Sure enough, when we got there, I know I felt everyone’s staring at … [Read more…]

More Thoughts from the Rez

As I get to talk to people out here, the more and more I like their overall quiet ways. A lot can be said without words. Communication without words takes some effort at first but slowly can become natural. We all have the opportunity to communicate the gospel to others, never saying a word. When … [Read more…]