Sowers of Love to All

[youtube:] Isaiah 55:10-13 Romans 8:1-11 Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 Whenever I have planted a garden, I am very careful about prepping the soil, adding in fresh soil, compost and other things that will help retain moisture and provide nutrients for the seeds I am about to plant.  Then I till all that together and make nice … [Read more…]

What If?

Audio Version Romans 7:15-25a Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 What if we follow Jesus, leave our families as He told others, and follow Him. What if we let the dead bury the dead?  There are so many “what ifs” that Jesus presents us.  Today’s reading in Matthew is no different.  What if we recognize the flute being … [Read more…]

Greatest Commandment + Holy Spirit = Great Commission

Audio Link Genesis 1:1–5, Genesis 1:26-2:4a 2 Corinthians 13:11–13 Matthew 28:16–20 I have not done this before but today, I want you to pull out pens or pencils and write something on your bulletins.  Write it in a place that you can see, so you can take this with you, maybe even tape it to … [Read more…]

Pentecost: Recovering Our Mission

I was able to attend service back at my home church last weekend.  This was very exciting for our family.  The surroundings just exhilarated us.  The hair on my arms began to stand up and I got a tingle inside of me.  I just knew the Spirit was there and active.  Then when the songs … [Read more…]

The Greatest Resource, Often Goes Unused

Audio Link Acts 17:22–31 1 Peter 3:13–22 John 14:15–21 These days we often hear about conserving our resources.  Stay with renewable resources.  Only use what we have the most of and conserve the rest.  When God created the heavens and the earth, God gave dominion over the earth to humanity.  This was first to Adam … [Read more…]

Are We Wasting the Greatest Resource Ever?

As I have been reading the texts this week out of the Revised Common Lectionary in preparation for the upcoming sermon, I have been listening to music in the background.  A song that I used in a sermon a couple of months ago, more as a side note, keeps coming up for me to hear. … [Read more…]

Who is Life and What is Life?

Audio Link Acts 2:42–47 Psalm 23:1-6 1 Peter 2:19–25 John 10:1–11 Who or what is life giving?  In all reality, there is only one thing that is life giving, isn’t there?  We as Christians would say God incarnate, Jesus the Christ, the Word who has been before the beginning and is still here today, is … [Read more…]

Fear and Love

Audio Link Acts 2:14a Acts 2:36–41 Psalm 116:1–4 Psalm 116:12–19 1Peter 1:17–23 John 20:19–31 I have secrets and do not care to share them. I have had secrets that I dare not share at the time. Some secrets we have may be related to self-perception. Some related to others perception of us. Some are grounded … [Read more…]

He is risen!

                He has risen! What a great season to be in, the church year of Easter and the season of spring. Both offer life in their coming. Spring, we begin to see the awaking of life that has been dormant over winter. Yes, this long long long long … [Read more…]

Mark of Discipleship, Bible Reading

Lent 2014 Theme,  Six Marks of Discipleship based on the book, “Power  Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church”, Michael Foss Audio Link [youtube] It is at the age of 13 that Jewish boys participate in their Bar Mitzvah.  This is when they become obligated to observe the commandments.  Prior to this age they are … [Read more…]