Who is Life and What is Life?

Audio Link Acts 2:42–47 Psalm 23:1-6 1 Peter 2:19–25 John 10:1–11 Who or what is life giving?  In all reality, there is only one thing that is life giving, isn’t there?  We as Christians would say God incarnate, Jesus the Christ, the Word who has been before the beginning and is still here today, is … [Read more…]

Fear and Love

Audio Link Acts 2:14a Acts 2:36–41 Psalm 116:1–4 Psalm 116:12–19 1Peter 1:17–23 John 20:19–31 I have secrets and do not care to share them. I have had secrets that I dare not share at the time. Some secrets we have may be related to self-perception. Some related to others perception of us. Some are grounded … [Read more…]

He is risen!

                He has risen! What a great season to be in, the church year of Easter and the season of spring. Both offer life in their coming. Spring, we begin to see the awaking of life that has been dormant over winter. Yes, this long long long long … [Read more…]

Mark of Discipleship, Bible Reading

Lent 2014 Theme,  Six Marks of Discipleship based on the book, “Power  Surge: Six Marks of Discipleship for a Changing Church”, Michael Foss Audio Link [youtube http://youtu.be/QfJ-4Zh_Vk8] It is at the age of 13 that Jewish boys participate in their Bar Mitzvah.  This is when they become obligated to observe the commandments.  Prior to this age they are … [Read more…]

Transfiguration, Transformation faith to Discipleship

Link to Audio of Sermon Video Link to Sermon Exodus 24:12-18 Psalm 2:1-11 2 Peter 1:16-21 Matthew 17:1-9 We hear today of two “mountain top experiences” both unique but also have common threads to each other and to us today.  Both not just for the humans directly involved but for all of God’s people.  Both … [Read more…]

Mission, Houston Day – 5, Saving Smiles & A Shocking Revelation

Today we head off to saving smiles again.  This is great, as we enter the building, people begin to great us, and they all remember us from a couple of days ago.  This is like visiting with old friends.  We are told that we will be doing the same jobs that we had previously, which … [Read more…]

The Purpose of Christmas: Time for Salvation

Based upon the Book, The Purpose of Christmas, by Rick Warren Video Link Audio Link  1John 1:8-10 Romans 7:14-20 When I say the word salvation, what comes to mind?  Some of you might say, going to heaven, NOT going to hell, saved from sins, or a variety of other things that take you from something … [Read more…]

Truth Leads to Life

Reformation Sunday Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 46:1-11 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 Audio Version Video Version Last week pastor spoke about wrestling with faith.  We heard the story of Jacob being renamed after wrestling all night with a man who in the end gives another name to Jacob, which is Israel.  As we heard, Israel means, one … [Read more…]

What is faith? Can it be measured?

Audio Version found on Sermons Page. Video of Sermon and Children’s Sermon Habakkuk 1:1–4 Habakkuk 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1–9 2 Timothy 1:1–14 Luke 17:5–10 Increase our faith!  Who wouldn’t want that?  I know I have asked for more faith on more than one occasion.  I wonder how many of you are saying to yourself, yea me … [Read more…]

Why do we do what we do and how?

Proverbs 25:6-7 Psalm 112:1-10 Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1, 7-14 Audio Link When I was a police office, I told myself initially, that I wanted to do this job because I wanted to “Help Others”. On the surface, this was very much true, I liked doing, and there is nothing wrong with doing for others. … [Read more…]