The Purpose of Christmas: Time for Reconciliation

Based upon the Book, The Purpose of Christmas, by Rick Warren Audio Link Video Link Luke 2:8-14 Matthew 22:34-40 Welcome to our third Wednesday in Advent.  It may seem like a very short Advent this year, since we only had three Wednesdays to celebrate and worship.  As it so happens, my plans lined up with the … [Read more…]

The Purpose of Christmas: Time for Salvation

Based upon the Book, The Purpose of Christmas, by Rick Warren Video Link Audio Link  1John 1:8-10 Romans 7:14-20 When I say the word salvation, what comes to mind?  Some of you might say, going to heaven, NOT going to hell, saved from sins, or a variety of other things that take you from something … [Read more…]

The Purpose of Christmas: Time for Celebration

Based upon the Book, The Purpose of Christmas, by Rick Warren Audio Link Video Link Genesis 1:26-27 Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, 4b, 5d, 8a Luke 2:8-14 John 3:16-17       On this first Wednesday of Advent, we receive good news worth a celebration, one where we anticipate that upon the birth of God incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, we … [Read more…]

God Protects us…Mission and the Big Picture

Video Link to Sermon Audio Link to Sermon Malachi 4:1–2a 2 Thessalonians 3:6–13 Luke 21:5–19 Matthew 25:1-10 Matthew 24:42-43 Matthew 24:36 Last week when Jesus was asked a direct question, He never really answered the question at all.  Then of course, the Sadducees were looking for details, not at the big picture as Jesus was … [Read more…]

Stewardship – Seminary & Campus Ministry

Luke 19:1-11 I thought it might be helpful to have some background on me, to help you understand the perspectives I bring to the text today. I grew up un-churched.  In fact I would say I was an atheist.  I would get infuriated when I would see or hear things like “In God we trust”, … [Read more…]

Truth Leads to Life

Reformation Sunday Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm 46:1-11 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 Audio Version Video Version Last week pastor spoke about wrestling with faith.  We heard the story of Jacob being renamed after wrestling all night with a man who in the end gives another name to Jacob, which is Israel.  As we heard, Israel means, one … [Read more…]

What is faith? Can it be measured?

Audio Version found on Sermons Page. Video of Sermon and Children’s Sermon Habakkuk 1:1–4 Habakkuk 2:1-4 Psalm 37:1–9 2 Timothy 1:1–14 Luke 17:5–10 Increase our faith!  Who wouldn’t want that?  I know I have asked for more faith on more than one occasion.  I wonder how many of you are saying to yourself, yea me … [Read more…]

Aren’t Christians Called to the least, last….

Here is a post from a friend of mine. It speaks volumes about what our schools are not doing to protect the children from bullies. I know some do try but there are so many that do not. Please share, maybe some administrators will stand up and say NO to bullies and YES to protection. … [Read more…]

Share the Wealth

Amos 8:4–7 Psalm 113:1-9 1 Timothy 2:1–7 Luke 16:1–13 Audio Version with Childrens Sermon Link to Video of Sermon At first glance, it would seem that the scripture today from Luke, does not have much in common with that of Amos or 1 Timothy.  You might be asking the same question I was when I … [Read more…]