
Audio Version Sunday November 8, 2015 After Pentecost Proper 27 Year B Old Testament 1 Kings 17:8–16 New Testament Hebrews 9:24–28 Gospel Mark 12:38–44 The scriptures we have today are ones that can be easily misused against people.  It would be very easy to take both the 1 Kings text and the Mark text and … [Read more…]

Broken but made whole in Jesus

A note to the reader.  This is my first sermon at Calvary Lutheran, Minong WI. After just moving in, I was not  able to find my video camera or voice recorder.  However, it was found this week and future sermons will be recorded. Sunday, October 4, 2015 | After Pentecost Old Testament Genesis 2:18–24 New … [Read more…]

Following Self or Following Jesus

Audio Version Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16 Psalm 22:23–31 Romans 4:13–25 Mark 8:31–38 Control is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? When we are in control, we get to decide how things will be. We are no longer subject to the will of others. We decide when we want to get up, go to work or maybe not … [Read more…]

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Audio Version 1 Corinthians 9:16–23 Mark 1:29–39 Sickness, not being whole, comes in all forms. Our sins, keep us from being whole, as God intended. We cannot make ourselves whole. We are a broken people in need of healing. The greatest story every told, the gospel of Jesus Christ, tells us of how to be … [Read more…]

Death in Law – Life in Jesus

Sermon at St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Cassville WI Audio Version Micah 3:4-12 Psalm 43:1-5 1 Thessalonians 2:9–13 Matthew 23:1–12 The Holy Gospel according to Matthew, the 23rd Chapter Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, 2 “The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat (for us today this would be parallel to … [Read more…]

Environmental Stewardship: Being with / With being

This sermon was preached for a Stewardship Preaching class Audio Version Setting from Revised Common Lectionary New Years Day, ABC[1] Ecclesiastes 3:1–13 Psalm 8:1-9 Revelation 21:1–6a Matthew 25:31–46 Psalm 8 1     O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. 2        Out of … [Read more…]

What If?

Audio Version Romans 7:15-25a Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 What if we follow Jesus, leave our families as He told others, and follow Him. What if we let the dead bury the dead?  There are so many “what ifs” that Jesus presents us.  Today’s reading in Matthew is no different.  What if we recognize the flute being … [Read more…]

Old Self – New Self, Response in Baptism

Audio Link Jeremiah 20:7-13 Romans 6:1b-11 Matthew 10:24-39 So, you have been baptized into Christ Jesus, do you feel different?  Different than what, would be a good question.  Do you feel different than before you were baptized?  For those that were baptized as an infant, that would be something to hear wouldn’t?  Baptism is a … [Read more…]

Greatest Commandment + Holy Spirit = Great Commission

Audio Link Genesis 1:1–5, Genesis 1:26-2:4a 2 Corinthians 13:11–13 Matthew 28:16–20 I have not done this before but today, I want you to pull out pens or pencils and write something on your bulletins.  Write it in a place that you can see, so you can take this with you, maybe even tape it to … [Read more…]

He is risen!

                He has risen! What a great season to be in, the church year of Easter and the season of spring. Both offer life in their coming. Spring, we begin to see the awaking of life that has been dormant over winter. Yes, this long long long long … [Read more…]