Where was Jesus born?

It is good information but what is most important is that God sent God’s Son, God to take on human flesh to walk among us, Emmanuel.  Without that first step by God for us, there would have been no cross and no resurrection.  The birth is what is important, not where.  The death is what … [Read more…]

Can you hear me? Can you hear the Gospel now?

Transfiguration Sunday Sunday, February 11, 2018 | Epiphany Last Sunday After the Epiphany Year B New Testament 2 Corinthians 4:3–6 Gospel Mark 9:2–9   Paul tells us that the gospel can be veiled. Most specifically, to those who are perishing. Who are the ones that are perishing? Who and/or what veils the gospel? The ones … [Read more…]

It’s ALL about the Love

Sunday, February 18, 2018 | Lent First Sunday in Lent Year B Old Testament Genesis 9:8–17 New Testament 1 Peter 3:18–22 Gospel Mark 1:9–15 We started our journey with ashes, Remember you are Dust and Dust you shall return. Reminded of our dependence upon God. Maybe that is difficult to take in or for some … [Read more…]