Respond, Step out and Trust Jesus

Audio Link [youtube:] 1 Kings 19:9–18 Psalm 85:8–13 Romans 10:5–15 Matthew 14:22–33 Our God comes to us in many shapes and forms.  God loves us and wants the best for us always.  God loves all of humanity and wants the best for all of God’s creatures.  Do you believe that God the Father loves you, … [Read more…]

What If?

Audio Version Romans 7:15-25a Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 What if we follow Jesus, leave our families as He told others, and follow Him. What if we let the dead bury the dead?  There are so many “what ifs” that Jesus presents us.  Today’s reading in Matthew is no different.  What if we recognize the flute being … [Read more…]


He was taken from us, why did this happen!? God, Jesus said He was Your Son.  If that were so, then why did You let Him die?  Why God, why have you forsaken Your Son?  If Him, then what about us? Jesus, King of the Jews, Son of man, Son of the living God, has … [Read more…]


Jesus of Nazareth has been taken from us!  We just broke bread together and shared in drink.  Now He has been betrayed and taken away.  We are scattered and scared, not knowing what will come of this. We are in silence, in hiding for our own fear of what will happen next.  Will they punish … [Read more…]

Transfiguration, Transformation faith to Discipleship

Link to Audio of Sermon Video Link to Sermon Exodus 24:12-18 Psalm 2:1-11 2 Peter 1:16-21 Matthew 17:1-9 We hear today of two “mountain top experiences” both unique but also have common threads to each other and to us today.  Both not just for the humans directly involved but for all of God’s people.  Both … [Read more…]

Disciples, Chosen through Love, Not Merit

Audio Link to Sermon Video Link to Sermon Isaiah 9:1-4 Matthew 4:12-23 Each of you and myself merit nothing from God. We are sinners through and through. We too are like the people described in Isaiah today, we are in darkness and we turn away from God each and every time we sin. Sure, we … [Read more…]

Mission, Day 2 – Houston, Student Thoughts

Today’s post will be a collection of thoughts of the students participating in the mission trip. I will do my best to provide context to their thoughts where needed. I will use their own words but where clarification might be needed, I will do this with the use of [ brackets]. During our mission of … [Read more…]

Vision, Being the Light to the Nations

Video Link Audio Link Isaiah 60:1–6 Ephesians 3:1–12 Matthew 2:1–12 Today is the Epiphany of the Lord. The easy route to take today would be to tell you about the Wise Men who visited Jesus, Joseph and Mary and show how the Isaiah and Matthew text can be tied together. I am not going there, … [Read more…]

The Purpose of Christmas: Time for Salvation

Based upon the Book, The Purpose of Christmas, by Rick Warren Video Link Audio Link  1John 1:8-10 Romans 7:14-20 When I say the word salvation, what comes to mind?  Some of you might say, going to heaven, NOT going to hell, saved from sins, or a variety of other things that take you from something … [Read more…]