Your Are Your Stuff

Link to Audio Version Ecclesiastes 1:2 Ecclesiastes 1:12–14 Ecclesiastes 2:18–23 Psalm 49:1–12 Colossians 3:1–11 Luke 12:13–21 When the last Austin Powers movie was released there was a lot commercials and hype around the movie. Hearing or reading about it seemed unavoidable.  One of Mike Meyers’ co-stars commented on what the actor was like as he … [Read more…]

God Uses the Unlikely

Follow this link for the audio version on this site. In our text today, you will hear about the encounter of Jesus, after His resurrection, with a man named Saul.  His other name, which is not given because of his conversion but is another name that he goes by, is Paul.  This may have been … [Read more…]