Moving Mountains

This morning I was reading a post by Max Lucado.  It began me thinking a little more about what Jesus said can be done with faith.  Here is a portion of what Max wrote:  “Jesus spilled his blood for you. You can spill your heart before God. Jesus said if you have faith, you can tell a … [Read more…]

Pope says church should apologize to gays

See this article from NPR regarding the Pope’s comments on Gay people.  Note the apology is not just the Roman Catholic Church but all Christians, as we are “The Church” of believers. Also note his comment about Martin Luther. shortcode

What does God say about gossip?

From a “Buddy Christ” question that was addressed in a newsletter.       Dear buddy, what does God say about gossip? Another good question this month.  I love that you are willing to ask the tough questions.  I am going to get a little technical on you first, so that we can come to … [Read more…]

Church Bullies

Below is a very interesting article about bullies in the church. In the past I have seen this behavior by members of a church.  I saw a pastor leave a congregation following some of this behavior.  The title is indicates that there are good reasons, however the good reasons are from the bully perspective. The … [Read more…]


It is very interesting that it seems so difficult for people, and at times I include myself in this, to follow the words of Jesus.  Jesus tells us just how to handle conflict, especially with other believers.  Yet, why is it that becomes so difficult to follow? I am not sure if is out of … [Read more…]