Follow and Speak Truth
March 27th, 2022Fourth Sunday of Lent Psalm 145:10–13 NIVJohn 18:28–40 NIV
March 27th, 2022Fourth Sunday of Lent Psalm 145:10–13 NIVJohn 18:28–40 NIV
1-16-2022Sunday after Epiphany Psalm 127:1-2 (NIV)John 2:13–25 (NIV) Readings taken from the Narrative Lectionary
This speaks to only the tip of the iceberg. It is a valid article that speaks to, all too many pastors and congregations. COVID 19 pandemic, only brought to the forefront, what has been a terrible non-passionate, non-disciple trend in the Christian church. Follow this link to read more.
6-6-2021 Genesis 3:8-15 (NIV)2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 (NIV)Mark 3:20-35 (NIV)
Third Sunday of Lent3/7/2021 Exodus 20:1-17 (NIV)1 Corinthians 1:18-25 (NIV)John 2:13-22 (NIV)
Sunday, October 20, 2019 | After PentecostProper 24Year C Old Testament Genesis 32:22–31New Testament 2 Timothy 3:14–4:5Gospel Luke 18:1–8Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009).
Sunday, September 22, 2019 | After Pentecost Proper 20 Year C Old Testament Amos 8:4–7 New Testament 1 Timothy 2:1–7 Gospel Luke 16:1–13 Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009).
9-8-2019 Old Testament Deuteronomy 30:15–20 Gospel Luke 14:25–33 Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009).
July 7th, 2019 Old Testament Isaiah 66:10–14New Testament Galatians 6:1–16Gospel Luke 10:1–11, 16–20
June 30th, 2019 Old Testament 1 Kings 19:15–16, 19–21New Testament Galatians 5:1, 13–25Gospel Luke 9:51–62