The Greatest Power
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 2/12/2023 Psalm 84:1-7 (NIV) Matthew 13:24-43 (NIV)
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany 2/12/2023 Psalm 84:1-7 (NIV) Matthew 13:24-43 (NIV)
5/8/20204th Sunday of Easter Acts 16:16-34 (NIV)Luke 6:18-19, 22-23 (NIV)
October 17, 2021 21st Sunday After Pentecost Isaiah 53:4-12Hebrews 5:1-10Mark 9:38-50
8-1-2021 10th Sunday After Pentecost Exodus 16:2–4, 9–15Ephesians 4:1–16John 6:24–35
4-18-2021 Acts 3:12–191 John 3:1–7Luke 24:36b–48
November 1, 2020 Revelation 7:9-171 John 3:13Matthew 5:1-12
7-19-2020 Isaiah 44:6–8Romans 8:12–25Matthew 13:24-30Matthew 13:36-43
5-31-2020 Acts 2:1-211 Corinthians 12:3b–13John 20:19–23
All SaintsYear COld Testament Daniel 7:1–3, 15–18New Testament Ephesians 1:11–23Gospel Luke 6:20–31 Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009).
Sunday, June 23, 2019 | After PentecostYear CIsaiah 65:1–9Galatians 3:23–29Luke 8:26–39