Conversation With A Lutheran Pastor

Jane: Pastor, do Lutherans believe in tithing? Pastor: Jane, that is good question. Tithing is of course biblical. In Leviticus 27:30-33, God is speaking to Moses. 30 One-tenth of everything the land produces—seeds from the ground and fruits from the trees—belongs to Me and is sacred to Me. 31 If a man desires to buy … [Read more…]

Bread, Life, Wine, Yay

8-18-2024 Ephesians 5:15-20 (NRSV)John 6:51-58 (NRSV)Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost  

Minister where? Really God?

shape of heart with hands in back lit

As you may have noticed, mostly I post sermons on my blog site. Not today. The congregation I served, ran out of money for a full or even a part-time pastor. In order to remove the financial responsibility from the congregation council, I resigned. I do not have a call in a congregation at this … [Read more…]