Forgive Us Our Sins as We Forgive Others

Have you ever stopped and really thought about the Lord’s Prayer?  Even beyond that, have you ever thought about what you are asking God to do?  Especially when we are asked to be forgiven of our “Debts”, “Sins”, “Trespasses”, whichever format of the Lord’s Prayer you pray. Below are two versions of the Lord’s Prayer, … [Read more…]

Invitation to the Word

January 1, 2017 Holy Name of Jesus – Mary, Mother of God Revised Common Lectionary Years ABC Old Testament  Numbers 6:22-27 New Testament Galatians 4:4-7 Gospel Luke 2:15-21 Sermon delivered at First Lutheran, South Sioux City NE Click here for an audio only version

Jesus’s Birth, Drop Your Security Blankets

This is the sermon that was delivered at First Lutheran Church, South Sioux City NE. on December 24th at the 11 PM Service. Isaiah 9:2-7 Psalm 96:1-13 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-20 Here is the link to the audio only version.


Below is a post about traditions.  This post is on the website of the Church I serve at, First Lutheran Church, South Sioux City Nebraska.   This time of the year can be steeped in traditions.  Sometimes we don’t even recall when or why a tradition was started.   Traditions have their place, to … [Read more…]

Christ, The King over All

Below is the video version of the sermon. The audio version is missing the video shown following the sermon. Click here for the audio version. Christ the King Sunday 11/20/2016 Old Testament Jeremiah 23:1–6 New Testament Colossians 1:11–20 Gospel Luke 23:33–43

Moving Mountains

This morning I was reading a post by Max Lucado.  It began me thinking a little more about what Jesus said can be done with faith.  Here is a portion of what Max wrote:  “Jesus spilled his blood for you. You can spill your heart before God. Jesus said if you have faith, you can tell a … [Read more…]