Service, Called to
March 13, 20222nd Sunday of Lent Narrative Lectionary Psalm 51:7-12John 13:1-17
March 13, 20222nd Sunday of Lent Narrative Lectionary Psalm 51:7-12John 13:1-17
2/20/2022Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Psalm 147:1-11 (NIV)John 7:37-52 (NIV)
Christ the King SundayNovember 21, 2021 Old Testament Daniel 7:9–10, 13–14 (NRSV)Psalm Psalm 93 (NRSV)New Testament Revelation 1:4b–8 (NRSV)Gospel John 18:33–37 (NRSV)
7-4-2021 7th Sunday after Pentecost Ezekiel 2:1-5 (NIV)2 Corinthians 12:2-10 (NIV)Mark 6:1-13 (NIV)
4-25-2021 Acts 4:5–12 (NIV)1 John 3:16–24 (NIV)John 10:11–18 (NIV)
6-28-2020 Jeremiah 28:5–9Romans 6:12–23Matthew 10:40–42
6-7-2020 Genesis 1:1–31Genesis 2:1–4a2 Corinthians 13:11–13Matthew 28:16–20
5/10/2020 Acts 7:55–601 Peter 2:2–10John 14:1–14
Sunday, November 17, 2019 | After Pentecost Proper 28 Year C Old Testament Malachi 4:1–2aNew Testament 2 Thessalonians 3:6–13Gospel Luke 21:5–19 Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009).
Sunday, October 27, 2019 | After PentecostProper 25Year C Jeremiah 14:7–10, 19–22New Testament 2 Timothy 4:6–8, 16–18Gospel Luke 18:9–14 Revised Common Lectionary (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2009).