Freedom through the Missional call of a Humble King

Audio Version Link This is from a five minute sermon that I was to preach.  Although in general, I disagree with a five minute sermon length,  there are times and places where this may be appropriate. The words of God through Zechariah are spoken to the peoples of Israel.  These same words in verse 9 are … [Read more…]

Another Reflection off the Rez

Before I begin, I must advise you as the reader, that this will appear in a news letter for Wartburg Seminary. Although to keep it within the 500 word limit, it was edited somewhat.  Below you will find the article in its entirety.  I have also included the footnotes for this post, where it will not be … [Read more…]

Reflections off the Rez

It has now been three days since leaving the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation of the Lakota Indians.  The last evening I would have to say held the most meaning to me.  We were given the opportunity for reflection by Howard.  I really enjoyed listening to him speak about his experiences and why he decided to … [Read more…]

The final from the Rez

We are to leave on Saturday from the retreat at Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota.  It has been full of emotions and learning.  Yesterday I developed a head cold.  I was still able to put some more time into the house we have been working on.  We also did some work today.  We were not … [Read more…]

Church services on the Rez and stuff

Yesterday we went to St. John Episcopal Church for a service done by the Lutheran pastor of the retreat.  This is a very small church that was going to be closed due to the low attendance   When the Lutheran pastor agreed to do the services, it was allowed to remain open.  Both  the church and the meeting room … [Read more…]

Feeling Stirred at Pine Ridge

Yesterday I visited Lakota College on the Rez. (Reservation).  The group and I were given an audio history of the Lakota Indians, accompanied by photographs on the wall of the cultural center.  While listening to the history, feelings began to stir inside of me.  I found myself ashamed of my government, angry, hurt, and a myriad of other emotions … [Read more…]

The Dills in 2012

An open letter to my congregation: My dearest friends… strike that, my dearest family.  I missed you all very much this Christmas.  This is the first time in several years that I have not spent my Christmas Eve service at Trinity and you were all missed.  Although I went to a service out in Galena … [Read more…]

Where is God?

This post is a response to a Facebook post I received.  I find the issue so compelling that I believe it is best answered here on my blog.  This is an age old question.  If there is a God, why do bad things happen?  Where is God and why do I not see God in … [Read more…]

Understanding the Rural Context

As part of one of my seminary classes, we went on a “Rural Plunge”.  Instead of telling you all about it, I invite you all to view the movie I put together about our weekend experience. Please click on the link below for the movie. Wartburg Seminary Rural Plunge 2012