Where do you put your faith?

This was published in the Dakota Star, October of 2018.

Author is Kris Dill

If you ever saw the 1974 Christmas movie “Miracle on 34th Street”, the then young actress Natalie Wood has a line that defines faith.  “Faith is believing in something, when common sense tells you not to.”

When I first heard that line, I didn’t get it; of course, I was much younger in 1974. Today this line takes on a whole new understanding.

Common sense tells me that if I don’t work I can’t pay my bills.  So, with that in mind what happens when you lose your job? Well now that’s where faith comes in.  You put faith in yourself that you will get another job.

I believe putting faith in yourself, is also putting faith in God.  We are created in God’s image. God provides what we need, even if we don’t think we need it.

Now in this same movie mentioned earlier, this same girl doesn’t get her Christmas wish.  Her mother reminds her to have faith.  So, as she quietly sits by the Christmas tree, holding a doll she didn’t really ask for, she is heard repeating to herself. “I believe, it’s silly but I believe.”

God can and does provide for all of our needs, and even sometimes our wants.  God can also provide for things we didn’t even know we wanted.

Faith can be placed anywhere or in anything.  You can put faith in a favorite sports team to win the big game, or even in a friend who you believe will come through for you.  However, our greatest faith, lies in trusting that even though we cannot see God, God is always present. God is always ready to get our greatest needs fulfilled.

I challenge you to take a few moments and think about where your faith is placed. Really take a good a look, playing back your outcomes.  When I think about my own faith and where I have placed it, I am amazed and awed by what I see.

My own personal experience with faith, got me through an incredible life changing event.  Even though I prayed and tried to control every outcome, it was faith that sustained me.  I went kicking and screaming through it all, even trying to make deals with God.

Now mind you I didn’t necessarily like how I got to be where I am today, but here I am.  So when you look back on trouble sometimes, and you look back at everything you prayed for, really look; It’s an amazing witness to what God has done for you.

God is ever present, faith shows us that.  If you haven’t seen it, then look back with keen eyes, and it will be revealed to you.

If you’re wondering if the little girl in the movie got her wish, well I leave that for you to find out.

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