Can you hear me? Can you hear the Gospel now?

Transfiguration Sunday

Sunday, February 11, 2018 | Epiphany

Last Sunday After the Epiphany

Year B

New Testament 2 Corinthians 4:3–6

Gospel Mark 9:2–9


Paul tells us that the gospel can be veiled.

Most specifically, to those who are perishing.

Who are the ones that are perishing?

Who and/or what veils the gospel?

The ones that are perishing, are the ones that are not living in response to the kingdom of God.  The ones who are unwilling or unable to live in, see, or respond to the gospel.

Our lives can get so busy that at times the gospel is nothing but…………………  static.

What is getting in the way of the gospel?

What stuff gets in your way?

God keeps asking if you can hear the gospel.  God keeps reaching out but are we listening or have we put other stuff in the way?

What stuff might be in the way of people you know?

How about what prevents you from responding to the gospel?

The perishing are the ones that need the gospel the most.  I was perishing.  I did not even know I was perishing, which caused me to veil the gospel.  I had heard but choose to ignore.  When I got married, I understood more as I went to church more but even then, I was unwilling to respond to the good news, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus takes the gospel to the perishing,  to be disciples and help take the message to others.  Jesus leads the way for us all the time.

Jesus keeps asking us if we can hear the Gospel.  Sometimes we do and then others times….?  He cares and keeps telling and keeps asking if we hear it.  Sometimes it seems veiled.  Just maybe, it seems like this the video below.

What veils and even unveils the gospel for you?

Is it someone you know?

The church you worship at?

The Hymns you hear?

The contemporary music you hear?

The order of worship?

Praying the Lord’s prayer or singing the Lord’s prayer?


Job vs vocation?

In Mark’s gospel, when Jesus is baptized, the Holy Spirit descends upon Jesus.  Only He sees this.  Then God speaks and says, you are my Son, the Beloved, with you I am well pleased.

Then high upon a mountain, with Peter, James and John, Jesus is transfigured in front of them.  They see this happen and we know that they were terrified by what they saw.

Then a cloud overshadows them and they hear, This is my son, the beloved, listen to him!

The veil has been removed, they truly see and hear the gospel.  They listen to Jesus and keep this to themselves for now but the story is told so the gospel can be revealed, so the veil can be removed.

We are called to proclaim the gospel.  Maybe it will see like that commercial as well to us.  However, something does happen.  When we proclaim the gospel, it is revealed in us and revealed to another.

We will be entering Lent on Wednesday.  For the next 40 days, we will enter a time of reflection on the gospel.  A time of contemplation through scripture and prayers.  On Wednesdays, we will be holding prayers around the cross services steeped in reflection on the gospels.  Jesus will be asking:

Can you hear the Gospel?  Can you hear me now?

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