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Thursday, December 24, 2015
Nativity of the Lord
Old Testament Isaiah 9:2-7
New Testament Titus 2:11-14
Gospel Luke 1:1-20
The time of Advent, the time of waiting for the birth of a savior can be a difficult time of the year. Even when it becomes Christmas, the promised Child arrives, we cannot always see the light in the darkness. The Babe born under a star even had a precarious birth, along with other dangers that come about following His birth. An angle announce to the shepherds, the lowliest of all people at the time, of the wondrous thing that has happened.
“Do not be afraid; for see—I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people: 11 to you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.[1]
Maybe the shepherds made the connection to the scroll of Isiah, where we heard today; 6 For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.[2] Either way, they did go and see this Child, the one that the angle says is the Messiah, who is the Light in the darkness of the world.
The things of life can get people down at this time of year. This is to to be a joyous and wonderful time of year. We get together with family and friends. We eat all sorts of wonderful food. We engage and great one another more pleasantly than the rest of the year it seems. There are gift exchanges all in celebration of the Messiah, whether one is willing to acknowledge it or not. whether someone can see the Light, the Messiah, or not, that is what Christmas is untimely about. His birth and the presents that we exchange are because of Him.
Why is it that there are so many that go hungry at this time? Why is this a time of depression for so many? They go hungry, they lack shelter and the basic necessities of life. They may have a difficult time in seeing the joy that we celebrate coming into the world. People are sick and dying and it would not be far for some to say that they are mad at the world…….they are mad at God for the lives that the must live. They are made at anyone or anything that represents God.
Yes, that is the reality for some people. You might even say that at this time of the year, it might seem more like a Good Friday, without being able to see the good in it. How did we get from the birth of a savior to walking on deaths door?
It is not difficult to walk down the road of darkness when the stuff of life comes your way and then especially at a time of year where you can see so many celebrating, partaking in the festivities and yet, you do not feel welcomed in.
Maybe you just started a new job but you are not on the “inside circle” and have been excluded. How about moving to a new area and the welcome is less than what you expected or not at all. That new job you have, and you don’t do things the way the last person did, so others get upset. They continually compare you to the last person, look for reasons to dislike you. It may only be few, but they are vocal and others begin to listen and believe what they are saying. You feel as though you want to crawl into a corner and die.
Where is the redemption, where is that Messiah you have heard about? When do you get to see the Light that has come into the world and celebrate with the others? Will you ever be able to celebrate where you are at or does there need to be a dramatic change. A change in jobs again, a change in location? You are hopeful that you will be accepted for who you are and there is a change, a change in how others see you. A change of acceptance for just who you are.
So, I again ask, where is that Messiah that the angle spoke about? Jesus’ life was not all roses either. That is the point of our Messiah, God who is of human flesh. The Messiah who experiences sorrows, scarcity, darkness all around, yet also experiences all of the joy in life and the joy of the Father.
After Jesus’s birth, he was named. Not named right away mind you. Babies do not often live to be even named. There are many who die before the naming. Jesus faced other troubles too.
King Herod, after speaking with the wise men, seeks to have Jesus killed. In doing so, all the male babies in the area, two years and younger are killed. Fortunately, Jesus and his family have escaped before His own life is taken.
The gospels tell of the dangers that Jesus faces and in such, we can be assured that He understands us, and in turn God does as well. When we hear of the death and resurrection of Jesus later in the year, we can trust in the connection of Jesus for all of humanity. That is, we have faith in what is promised to us.
Although Jesus was born over 2,000 years ago, His Light can still be seen today. We may not be able to see Jesus but we have faith that Jesus is there and will come again. Where is the light then? Where can we see the Messiah? He is in each and everyone of His followers. You and I are the light to the nations. Jesus is inside each of us. We know this because we are told it is so in the Bible.
It can be difficult if not impossible for some see the light of Christ inside of themselves. It may even be difficult for some to even comprehend this. But, this is where you come in. You, the faithful, the Christ followers, are called to be the light to the nations. We are called to be the hands and feet; we are called to be the body of Christ here on earth.
Where is the Messiah? All around us, because Jesus told us that where two or more are gathered in His name, He will be there. Seek out someone who is having difficulty in seeing the Light. Be the light of Christ. Welcome the stranger, be accepting of changes, embrace those who are different, provide for the poor, cloth those in need and be the light of Christ.
Go out and proclaim the good news. Be part of the good news, not just at this season, but always. Find someone who is down, emotionally beat-up, bedraggled, burnt-out, in need of the Light either emotionally or physically and be that light. It is then that we begin to experience all that Jesus came to be, the “…Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”[3]
When we do this, it is then that we know that Jesus’ “…authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace”. [4] Proclaim and be the good news of the Lord and Savior, the Messiah of the World, tell it to all you see! Be the Light to all you see!
[1] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989), Lk 2:10–11.
[2] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989), Is 9:6.
[3] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989), Is 9:6.
[4] The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989), Is 9:7.
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