What is the top news today dealing with grief?

For both CNN and Fox, one of the top news stories was one I spoke of in a previous post, Grief taken to the final point.  Now it has been revealed that the man had hurt the children prior to the fire he set.  Do we need to live through another families pain and suffering to distract us from our own Grief and Loss?  It is not that these sites did not have neutral stories but no positive or uplifting ones on their landing page.  Do we get over our grief better by seeing that others have it worse or can we get through our grief with positive stories that can be motivating?

I also visited BBC News in addition to CNN and Fox.  The common big story today is that of Russian envoy arrives in Syria.  The headline is neutral, but the story is not.  It is filled with idea of pain and suffering, in the first paragraph of the story, “Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov visited Damascus Tuesday to meet Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, days after world leaders accused Russia of helping give the Syrian government a green light to kill more civilians.”  CNN

Here are links to each of the major sites take on the story:


The quote above is from CNN.  They seem the harshest to start off the story.  Does shocking ones awareness into other’s loss sell stories?

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