
I am coming close to the end of my 10 day emerson into urban Milwaukee, as part of a Seminary class. First and foremost this experience has been a blessing. My class have received such a warm and giving welcome by the communities we have visited. There has been so much ministering going on……to us.

To often as the white middle class coming to a poor community we see it as our job to lift up and minister to the poor. However what we find is that we are truly the ones that are poor where it matters, in spirit. Yes, those we have visited may be poor financially but are well beyond imagined riches in their spirit. We have had contact with people of faith, who walk hand and hand with the Holy Spirit.

There are many great ministries happening in Milwaukee. There are no boundaries created by organizations to keep others from contributing to, participating in or partaking of the ministry. There is cooperation between those that want to help across a broad spectrum of organizations. However most often the help is not from the government.

The government is restrictive and thus cannot provide the well rounded need as faith based organizations can. Just throwing money around does not change how someone feels. A self realization of God’s love goes well beyond money and food. Lives are changed in Christ and each life changed in a community brings a wholeness to the community and in the process changes all things in the community for the better.

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  1. Jkzki

    "Just throwing money around does change how someone feels. A self realization of God's love goes well beyond money and food" – These lines in particular speak to me. It is so true. Making someone whole goes beyond simply meeting their physical needs. Thanks for posting this and giving me something to reflect on.

  2. Ray Bebee

    Now those sound like welcoming Christians.
    Hey, if you run into a Rev. Anthony Luckett, give him a hug for me. He's black Baptist and quite excited about Christ. You're probably in his area.

  3. Douglas Dill

    There has not been anthything else but welcoming people. I feel the Holy Spirit alive and stirring here in Milwaukee. It really has been wonderful. Tomorrow I preach at the Latino service of Faith Santa Fe. No, I have not learned Spanish yet, note…yet. The pastor will translate along side of me. I will post the sermon when I have completed it.

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