God is all around us

As I began to write this sermon, I had one thing in mind butlike it often happens, God had another thing in mind.  I had planned on letting everyone here knowthat I was going to be leaving to attend Wartburg Seminary for the next fiveand a half weeks, studying Greek.  However,it would appear that I will not be going out to Wartburg and that I amadjusting my schedule to take Greek next summer now, God willing.
I have been informed by my office that we will be lettingone of my employees go and I will be responsible for picking up his work.  In doing so, I will go back to a 60 hr. aweek job.  This is most likely going tohave severe impact on my studies.  It hasbeen suggested that I lower my hours at school. However, if I were to lower my hours at seminary, I would no longerqualify for financial aid and the tuition would also increases.  Additionally I would be required to pay backwhat loans I have taken out so far. Another option I have is taking a leave of absence from the school.  By taking a leave, I am able to come back andmy student loans will not come immediately due. This last week I have been asking myself, where is God in all of theseweeds that keep growing up around me?
Jacob realized that God is sending his angles down among us.  He saw God’s ladder in his dream and came toa realization that the heavenly precedence is not only in heaven but here onearth as well.  We all experience Godaround us, it is a matter of do we see what God is doing in our lives?  If we see it, do we acknowledge it?  Even when it would seem that someone has goneinto our field and planted weeds among our field of Wheat, God is stillpresent, waiting on us.  How do werespond when the sorrows of life really kick us in the stomach?  I have been tested a lot as of recent.   How about you?  What is hitting you today?  How about last week?  This week when that car was driving slow infront of you and me, we were in a hurry but obviously the other driver was justone of those slow pokes….How did we respond?….  What thoughts did we have? …. What maybe didwe say out loud or was it just in a hand gesture?….  Remember…. God’s love is in all of us.  God has given every human being the HolySpirit so we could respond to God.  So,what did we say or do or think to that other person……The one with God in theirheart.  The one with the Holy Spirit inthem?  We all I am sure we all respondedin the same way that the Spirit would have. We used the Spirit in us to respond, right?  I used an example of a person driving slowlyin front of us.  This applies toco-workers, friends, relatives, the cashier, the garbage man, the policeofficer that pulls you over and on and on and on.  It is not so much what we think.  It is a matter of  how we react to what we think.  Having bad thoughts is not a sin.  We cannot control our minds and what wethink.  The bad thoughts are temptationand even Jesus was tempted yet He was without sin. We can control how werespond to those thoughts and over time, the thoughts can be trained, “in amatter of speaking”.  However we arestill going to have bad thoughts…..
We have never been promised a bed of roses.  God has given us a promise in Christ.  God being perfect in all ways had the perfectplan for us to forever be in relationship with God for all of eternity.  Eternity starts upon our resurrection.   We are not ready to have the fullrelationship with the Father today. However that does not stop God from reaching down to us to be in arelationship.   God knew that we would not,  stop turning away from God.  However, God’s love is so great that Godwanted us lowly humans to always be with God.  The Father does not put conditions on love given to us.  The Father loves us even when we are the onesthat plant the weeds among the field.  Howcan that be?  Did we not hear that theones that sowed the weeds were agents of the Devil and are the weeds?  Are they not going to be pulled up in the endand thrown in the fire?  As we heard lastweek, Jesus said the greatest commandant was love your God with all yourheart.  The second was love your neighboras yourself.  I agree with Pastor Ben,that really, this does come down to a single commandment.  If we were to really love God, with all ofour hearts, why would we treat our neighbor as anything but how we want to betreated.
Back to the weeds…..
We don’t know when Jesus is coming back because he told usthat only the Father knows.  What can youdo to prevent being that weed that is gathered up?  What can I do to prevent from being that weedbeing gathered up.  Love your God withall your heart, mind and soul.  The loveyou give to God is better than any weed killer on the market.  It is life changing and life giving thoughthe power of the Spirit.  We may beplanting weeds today unknowingly or maybe even intentionally.  Change the focus from  inwardly to outward upon God.  God’s face is shining upon you.  Jesus is the Light of the world and it isthat light that we can gaze upon and smile and know that God loves us so muchthat God was willing to take into God all of humanity in the incarnation ofChrist in Jesus.  Jesus Christ took allthe bad we are and all the bad we will be with him to the cross.
The question is this? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only Son of God?  Do your truly believe with all your heart,mind and soul, that God came down and became incarnate in Jesus and that it wasGod who took away our sins in Jesus Christ and gives us the opportunity forenteral life?  Some of us might be saying,yea I do but I have doubts sometimes.  Itruns through my head and I just can’t stop it. Remember, we cannot control what we think…….
Rick Warrensaid, “Too often we get it backwards. We doubt our beliefs and believe ourdoubts. Instead, we should doubt our doubts and believe our beliefs!”
We can control in how we respond to what we think.  Do you turn back to God?  Do you face the Light of Jesus, the guidinglight to the Father who forgave you your sins and asks that you come live withFather, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for all of eternity?
I want to end today with a story, one that illustrates thatThings are not always what they seem and that God is looking out for us.
Two traveling angels stopped to spend the night in the homeof a wealthy family. The family was rude and refused to let the angels stay inthe mansion’s guest room. Instead the angels were given a small space in thecold basement. As they made their bed on the hard floor, the older angel saw ahole in the wall and repaired it. When the younger angel asked why, the olderangel replied,

“Things aren’t always what they seem.”

The next night the pair came to rest at the house of a very poor, but veryhospitable farmer and his wife. After sharing what little food they had thecouple let the angels sleep in their bed where they could have a good night’srest. When the sun came up the next morning the angels found the farmer and hiswife in tears. Their only cow, whose milk had been their sole income, lay deadin the field. The younger angel was infuriated and asked the older angel howcould you have let this happen? The first man had everything, yet you helpedhim, she accused. The second family had little but was willing to shareeverything, and you let the cow die.

“Things aren’t always what they seem,” the older angel replied.

“When we stayed in the basement of the mansion, I noticed there was goldstored in that hole in the wall. Since the owner was so obsessed with greed andunwilling to share his good fortune, I sealed the wall so he wouldn’t findit.”

“Then last night as we slept in the farmer’s bed, the angel of death camefor his wife. I gave him the cow instead. Things aren’t always what theyseem.”

Sometimes that is exactly what happens when things don’t turn out the way theyshould. If you have faith, you just need to trust that every outcome is alwaysto your advantage. You might not know it until sometime later

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