Invite the Holy Spirit In

Grace and peace be to you all, and may the Holy Spirit be invited into your lives and work wonders in you and with you.

As I mentioned in my last Sunday message, the Holy Spirit is something that is difficult, at best to see or hear or feel.  I will say, for those who have experienced the Spirit’s presence, the experience is not easily forgotten, nor does it make it any better to describe to someone that has not been able to discern that experience yet.  To feel a wind, when there is no wind, and unexplainable joy, a hug but no one is hugging you .  A new found energy or excitement that you cannot contain.  All of these are just human attempts to describe that which is not human and cannot be contained by human boundaries.
The trinity is a concept that is difficult to understand, and for many has to be taken solely upon faith.  But let’s keep in mind that when you invite the Holy Spirit in, you are also inviting God and Jesus as well.  We invite one, we invite all.  However, that is one of the so many great things about our God as a trinity.
God, as the creator, when he came down in the form of Man experienced all that man is and does.  This is also experienced by God and the Holy Spirit.  It is through the Spirit that all things can be accomplished, should we let the spirit in.  Our free will sometimes prevents the Spirit from working best in our lives.  It is not that God/Jesus/Spirit cannot, but chooses to allow us the privilege to accept or deny God in our lives.
So often it is what I can, how I can, what I can’t and how I can’t do something.  The key, however, is it should never be about us.  Time to think of something new.  In partnership (WE) with the Spirit.  We can accomplish all things.  Therefore there never is about I but about WE.  Now, do not take this to in any way to mean that God must use us to accomplish anything.  Obviously we were not there during creation, and I don’t want God asking me what He did to Job.

Job 38:4-7
4“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
5Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?
6On what were its footings set,
or who laid its cornerstone—
7while the morning stars sang together
and all the angels shouted for joy?
Above is only a small portion of what Job was lectured on.  So, again, please do not take it that God needs us but chooses to use us through the Sprit to accomplish things here on his earth.  However, if you are not willing to be open to God’s will in your life, how can you allow the Sprit to work in your life, and use you to work on others?
I pray that each of you will invite the Holy Spirit into your daily life and be open to God’s will for your life.  In this I pray to the Sprit, for in Him, all is possible.

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