Live the Gospel

“Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi

My daughter knows how to live out what St. Francis of Assisi said, so many years ago.  I am proud of her as her father and as a fellow Christian.  While my daughter was attending Lent services, she was approached by a young girl that she plays bells with at the church.  The girl decided to share with by daughter, that she was thinking of killing herself, and had written that on one of the prayer cards last Sunday.  This girl is 11 and mine is only 14.  It is hard enough to think an 11 year old would have these thoughts, but to put this also on a 14 year old is tough as well.

God is very important to my daughter, and she lives the gospel.  Not always, and neither do any of us, but apparently enough for this girl to approach her.  The girl confided in my daughter and spoke to her about her feelings.  Now, this was done in confidence to my daughter and caused a great deal of stress for her.  Does she tell anyone, doesn’t she.  Will this hurt the girl for telling someone, or not.  May daughter listened for what the Holy Spirit was telling her.

Next she went to her mother and a staff person of the church.  She was advised that the staff had believed that it was this girl, but that had not confirmed it yet.  My daughter was extremely upset by the news, confused as to what to do, by what she believed may be a betrayal of confidence and on and on.

The news was shared with the Pastor.  He tanked her and reassured her that she was doing the right thing by coming to some adults who could help.  He went on to say that they had believed that this was the girl that had filled out the prayer card, but they also were not sure until now.  Pastor then asked if she would be willing to help out a little more.  Since the prayer card did not say when or how, he asked my daughter to have another conversation with the girl, since there was a trust that had been established.  He went on to say, to let the girl know she was upset and crying about what was told to her.

My daughter agreed to additional conversation, and was able to determine there was no plan as to when or how at this time.  However, both exchanged phone numbers and agreed to talk more about this and other issues.  While on the way home from church, the girl texted my daughter and said to her, thank you, I will see you Monday at Bells. She also advised that she and her mother talked, and they are going to see a doctor to get her help.

A life saved, for Christ, through Christ, by being the Body of Christ, here on earth,….
“Preach the gospel always, If necessary use words.” ~ St. Francis of Assisi


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