Just how much do we give?

I have been taking a financial course recently, that uses the Bible to directly teach us how to manage our monies. Now we are taught we should tithe, but is that really what we should be doing? Now now, I am not saying we should not give 10% back to God. Actually, and I am saying something a little more radical.

To often I have thought in terms of how much to give. Lets assume, rightfully so, that all we have is not ours, but God’s. He has loaned us all we have and has entrusted us to use what we have been given, for others good. If you have a car, you should allow others who need it, to borrow it. You have shelter, share. You have food, prepare meals for others. You have money, give.

Again, how much? 2%, 5%…..I got it 10%! Nope, not at all. Since none of the things we have, are really ours, but on loan, lets look at it in reverse of what we are use to. Let’s ask God, how much should we keep, not give back. Hummm, now there is a thought. Not what we share back with God, but what we keep and all else we give back.

Recently I have come in contact with some very very generous people. They have given and given as the Spirit has called them to do. This is such a great thing. I have asked for help for others, and without question, they step right up to give back what God has given them. Such blessings were given by God, that they have been shared back with others in need. Wow, love to see the Spirit working like that!

Now, recently a family that others have stepped up to help, haven’t been all that others thought they were. I have seen some dejected hearts. Some hurt feelings. Signs of mistrust and misgivings…..over their givings. I know these people, they are all good people with good hearts…………………. So is the family that received their blessings. There is much good in all people. Some people struggle to feel the love of Christ. When this happens, they become dejected and start to look down and away from others and God. Just like the Samaritan Woman at the well.

When Jesus approached the well, he did not look at the woman as a sinner. He recognized her sins, and used her sins to give her hope, love and grace. When her deepest sins were exposed, there was no place but up. She was free to accept God’s love and grace, through Jesus Christ. Sometimes that is what it takes……You must be so down, to be able to finally look up and ask for the help.

Back to the family and those who have helped but now feel betrayed. Yes, some of the monies did not get used as we felt they should have. No, the whole truth may not have been told. Lies were not told and nothing was taken without the intention of repayment. Was what was taken used for good? Not all of it, but some of it was and that is what really counts. As we share what God has loaned us, it really is not for us to say what God’s plans are for the things he has given us to give away. This is God’s plans, not ours. Once we question, is this person worthy, are they qualified, do they have God in their hearts, we stop using God’s gifts for his children that he loves “NO MATTER WHAT”.

I fear that some have been so hurt by what they perceived as misuse of “their gifts”, that they will no longer share as they have. When really all that God wants us to do is be good and faithful stewards of his gifts he gave to us to give to others. We spread the gifts, just like the sower of seeds. Some will fall on fertile soil, some on rocks, others in the thorns. God will see to the fertilization and upkeep. Spread the word, give the gifts, do not hold back.


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