Keeping Focus

Well, this post is closer to keeping it what I want. At least it is much sooner than the previous. 🙂
I watched as someone very close to me, kept getting negative as he faced some tough times in the hospital. He needed to be shook around a couple of times to keep his focus on the positive. He did not loose faith, but lost sight of reality. I do feel for him however. He let his church know he was in the hospital. In fact he was there for a week. However, not a single person from his church, not even the Priest showed up. However, many people from other locations, and churches did show up. He had two Pastors and two Deacons stop in to see him.

The focus here is NOT that people from his church did not show up, but that people who know this person (The most caring and loving great person you will ever know) showed up because the Holy Spirit moves in him and others can see this, and wanted to be at the hospital with him.

Recently I went to Canada on a fishing vacation. I would have to say, it was not the best vacation I had. Well, that is what I have been telling myself. However, it really was a pretty good vacation. I lost focus on the good, and only harp on the negative. Well, enough of that. We got there and back, with no harm to anyone. I caught some fish. I spent a lot of time with my nephew, which never happens. I saw some really cool things about my daughter. Time was spent with my wife and my son. Old friends were seen, new ones were made. There really was a lot of good things that happened.

When I got back to Church on Sunday, I got a couple of shockers. One of our praise band leaders’ mother is on life support. He is really having a difficult time. Our greeter was not there this Sunday. He is always in the Church before me. He opens it up, opens the door for me, turns the lights on, lights the candles, etc etc etc. This is all before service. Turns out he is not feeling good and ended up in the hospital. Now, I could focus on the negative, but I choose not to. Jim is a strong person. He is old, but he is strong and taking it all well. The pastor has asked me to check in on him over the next couple of days and I am looking forward to it.

Until next time!

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One Comment

  1. 3k

    It is amazing how easy it is to shift our gaze to that which troubles us rather than to that by which we are blessed. One of those blessings that should never be taken for granted is to be cared for by others. I am pleased to see that you are still blogging. If you’ll keep writing, I’ll keep reading.

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