This last week, I received news that a friend that attended Diakonia with me, was diagnosed with cancer. That really was a blow. She has a wonderful disposition, and continues it even now. She came through surgery well, and so far has a clean bill of health. I don’t always understand “WHY”, bad things happen. I do know that good without bad, is not good either. Bad helps define good. A top without a bottom is no top at all.
Does God have to allow pain and suffering? No, I don’t think God must allow, but if all was just wonderful, how would we appreciate anything, including God himself. There is just no good way of explaining this very clearly. It can be difficult to a believer, but near impossible to a non believer or a seeker.
God has a plan. We may not know what it is, or at least fully. Discernment of God’s plan is very difficult. However, I have a Pastor who likes to refer to Deut 29:29 to explain what we do not know. I think this covers it, and covers it well.
If we have this to fall back on, and remember that really, it is all about the Love of God for his children and our love for him and his children, then “It’s a Wonderful Life”.
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Well, Doug, I certainly don’t have all the answers but when it comes to the “why” of suffering consider Colossians 1:24, the point being that there is salvific value in suffering for both the person suffering and the greater body of Christ. I don’t suggest that makes the suffering less, only that perhaps it is a more positive way to deal with it.
Colossians 1:24
24Now I rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.
Agreed, gives a purpose. That it does. Makes it easier, maybe a little, but in the end, all is ok, and will be ok through Christ.